Go to Best Place for PRP Treatment in Delhi

Increasing amount of pollution and usage of chemicals in everyday problems has become a major cause for skin related diseases. Platelet- Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is one of the solutions to this issue. It involves re- injection of blood taken from a particular area after enhancing it. It involves taking a small number of platelets from the patient’s body, and then accelerating the patient’s platelets and re- introducing them into the human body to heal injured, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. This treatment is also used to cure skin ailments, hair loss, and face lifting. (HSS, 2021) PRP treatment has become popular method of therapy in Delhi. There are a number of hospitals and clinics which provide it, with Dr Hema pant’s clinic being one. Cost and Affordability: PRP Treatment Cost in Delhi can vary depending upon the area of the disease. Approximately, it costs around 10,000 to 15000 rupees in Delhi. However, the aftermath last for about 6 to 9 months, which is why patien...